2024 – Article (journal)
Verheij, B. J., Gerber, J.-D., & Nahrath, S. (2024). Commoning the compact city: The role of old and new commons in urban development. Geoforum, 152.
2023 – Article (journal)
Verheij, B. J., Ay, D., Gerber, J.-D., & Nahrath, S. (2023). Ensuring Public Access to Green Spaces in Urban Densification: The Role of Planning and Property Rights. Planning Theory & Practice, 24(3), 342-365.
2023 – Conference item (speech)
Steinegger, S., & Gerber, J.-D. (2023, June). Balancing productivity and multifunctionality: The case of a cereal processing commons. Presented at the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.
2023 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2023, June). Urban commons at the commonification / decommodification nexus – which contribution to a post-growth organization of society?. Presented at the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.
2023 – Article (journal)
Bouwmeester, J. A., Gerber, J.-D., Hartmann, T., & Ay, D. (2023). Non-compliance and non-enforcement: An unexpected outcome of flexible soft densification policy in the Netherlands. Land Use Policy, 126, 106525.
2022 – Conference item (speech)
Verheij, B. J., Gerber, J.-D., & Nahrath, S. (2022, November). To whom does it belong? Urban green commons in a densifying neighbourhood in Bern. Presented at the Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2022, Lausanne, Schweiz.
2022 – Article (journal)
Gerber, J.-D., & Debrunner, G. (2022). Planning with power. Implementing urban densification policies in Zurich, Switzerland. Land Use Policy, 123, 106400.
2022 – Conference item (speech)
Steinegger, S., Gerber, J.-D., & Oberlack, C. (2022, September). Environmental Justice in mountain foodscapes through commoning: The Participatory Guarantee System in Peru. Presented at the International Mountain Conference, Innsbruck.
2022 – Article (journal)
Natia, J. A., Adams, T., Gerber, J.-D., & Amacker, M. (2022). The dilemma of women empowerment in informal artisanal and small-scale gold ore mining in Ghana. Cogent Social Sciences, 8(1).
2022 – Conference item (speech)
Ay, D., & Gerber, J.-D. (2022, July). Formalizing or normalizing informality? A neo-institutionalist analysis of zoning amnesty as a land-use policy. Presented at the AESOP Annual Congress, Tartu, Estland.
2022 – Conference item (speech)
Steinegger, S., Gerber, J.-D., & Oberlack, C. (2022, July). Collective, producers-based governance of mountain foodscapes: Commonification for cultural and regional dimensions of global sustainability?. Presented at the UGI-IGU, Paris.
2022 – Conference item (speech)
Verheij, B. J., Gerber, J.-D., & Nahrath, S. (2022, July). Building the green dense city – An institutional analysis of the production of green spaces in densifying neighbourhoods. Presented at the UGI-IGU, Paris, Frankreich.
2022 – Conference item (speech)
Verheij, B. J., Ay, D., Gerber, J.-D., & Nahrath, S. (2022, July). Ensuring public access to green space in market-led densification – Evidence from Dutch and Swiss inner-city development. Presented at the PLPR, Gent, Belgien.
2022 – Conference item (speech)
Steinegger, S., Gerber, J.-D., & Oberlack, C. (2022, July). Geographical Indications for Food: A Faustian Bargain between Heritage Preservation and Better Access to Origin-Based Market Segments?. Presented at the Worldwide Perspectives on Geographical Indications, Montpellier.
2022 – Conference item (speech)
Ay, D., Götze, V., & Gerber, J.-D. (2022, July). How to plan for care-full densification? Social sustainability of densification where social policy meets land-use planning. Presented at the PLPR, Gent, Belgien.
2022 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2022, July). Planning with power. A theory-informed discussion of the distributional effects of urban densification. Presented at the PLPR, Gent, Belgien.
2022 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2022, June). Les effets de la mise en œuvre de la LPN sur les stratégies politiques et foncières des associations de protection du paysage: le cas de Pro Natura. Presented at the 6èmes journées suisses d’histoire, Genf, Schweiz.
2022 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2022, May). Strategic use of land policy instruments for affordable housing. Coping with social challenges under scarce land conditions in Swiss cities. Presented at the Swiss Real Estate Research Congress, Zürich, Schweiz.
2022 – Article (journal)
Debrunner, G., Jonkman, A., & Gerber, J.-D. (2022). Planning for social sustainability: mechanisms of social exclusion in densification through large-scale redevelopment projects in Swiss cities. Housing Studies, 39(1), 146-167.
2022 – Article (journal)
Chambers, J. M., Wyborn, C., Klenk, N. L., Ryan, M., Serban, A., Bennett, N. J., … Rondeau, R. (2022). Co-productive agility and four collaborative pathways to sustainability transformations. Global Environmental Change, 72, 102422.
2021 – Article (journal)
Natia, J. A., Adams, T., & Gerber, J.-D. (2021). The Politics of Decentralization: Competition in Land Administration and Management in Ghana. Land, 10(9), 948.
2021 – Article (journal)
Chambers, J. M., Wyborn, C., Ryan, M. E., Reid, R. S., Riechers, M., Serban, A., … Pickering, T. (2021). Six modes of co-production for sustainability. Nature Sustainability, 4(11), 983-996.
2021 – Conference item (speech)
Natia, J. A., Oberlack, C., & Gerber, J.-D. (2021, May). Is Environmental Justice Necessary to Secure Land Access in Decentralization of Land Governance? Evidence from Ghana. Presented at the EnJust Conference 2021, Freiburg.
2021 – Book section
Haller, T., Gerber, J.-D., Liechti, K., Nahrath, S., Rohr, C., Stuber, M., … Wunderli Götschi, R. (2021). Ostrom’s legacy on robustness and the ‘Swiss commons lab’: Introductory reflections on change and power in commons studies. In T. Haller, K. Liechti, M. Stuber, F.-X. Viallon, & R. Wunderli (Eds.), Balancing the Commons in Switzerland. Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations (pp. 1-13). London: Routledge.
2021 – Article (journal)
Natia, J. A., Adams, T., Gerber, J.-D., & Haller, T. (2021). Decentralization for Increased Sustainability in Natural Resource Management? Two Cautionary Cases from Ghana. Sustainability, 13(12), 6885.
2020 – Article (journal)
Debrunner, G., & Gerber, J.-D. (2020). The Commodification of Temporary Housing. Cities. The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, 108, 102998.
2020 – Article (journal)
Gerber, J.-D., Lieberherr, E., & Knoepfel, P. (2020). Governing contemporary commons: The Institutional Resource Regime in dialogue with other policy frameworks. Environmental Science & Policy, 112, 155-163.
2020 – Article (journal)
Gerber, J.-D., & Haller, T. (2020). The drama of the grabbed commons: anti-politics machine and local responses. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 48(6), 1304-1327.
2020 – Book section
Gerber, J.-D. (2020). Aktive Bodenpolitik zur preisgünstigen Wohnraumversorgung. In K. Hofstetter, M. Miessgang, K. Pluch, R. Scheuvens, & C. Wolfgring (Eds.), Neues soziales Wohnen – Positionen zur IBA_Wien 2022 (pp. 58-62). Berlin: Jovis Verlag.
2020 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2020, February). Is Land policy neoliberal?. Presented at the Planning, Law and Property Rights (PLPR) Conference.
2020 – Article (journal)
Debrunner, G., Hengstermann, A. H., & Gerber, J.-D. (2020). The Business of Densification. Distribution of Power, Wealth and Inequality in Swiss Policy Making. Town Planning Review, 91(3), 259-281.
2020 – Book section
Debrunner, G., Hengstermann, A. H., & Gerber, J.-D. (2020). Die Wohnungsfrage ist eine Bodenfrage. Bodenpolitische Instrumente zur Sicherstellung des preisgünstigen Wohnraums im Bestand in Schweizer Städten. In B. Schönig & L. Vollmer (Eds.), Wohnungsfragen ohne Ende?! (pp. 57-76). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
2019 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2019, December). The instruments of land policy – Dealing with the densification challenge. Presented at the Approaches to limiting urban sprawl: policies, planning, and governance, Paris.
2019 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2019, September). Ressource Boden – Werkzeuge der Bodenpolitik an europäischen Beispielen. Presented at the Architektenkammer Bremen, Bremen.
2019 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2019, August). Verdichtung ja, aber… Der Widerspruch zwischen planerischen Zielen und eigentumsrechtlicher Realität. Presented at the Forum für Universität und Gesellschaft, “Verdichten als Chance”, Bern.
2019 – Conference item (paper)
Haller, T., & Gerber, J.-D. (2019, July 14). The drama of the grabbed commons: CSR as anti-politics machines and local responses. Presented at the ECAS Conference: Connections and Disruptions, University of Edinburgh, UK.
2019 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2019, July). Quotas in Land Use Planning. A few thoughts on an essential Instrument to deal with Scarcity. Presented at the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP).
2019 – Article (journal)
Kellner, E., Oberlack, C., & Gerber, J.-D. (2019). Polycentric governance compensates for incoherence of resource regimes: The case of water uses under climate change in Oberhasli, Switzerland. Environmental Science & Policy, 100, 126-135.
2019 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2019, June). The role of Alpine development regimes in the development of second homes: Preliminary lessons from Switzerland. Presented at the Les résidences secondaires en question: état des lieux et perspectives.
2019 – Book section
Haller, T., Adams, T., Gmür, D. R., Käser, F. D., Lanz, K. V., Marfurt, F., … Gerber, J.-D. (2019). Large Scale Land Acquisition as Commons Grabbing: A comparative study on cases from Africa. In L. R. Lozny & T. McGovern (Eds.), Global Perspectives on Long Term Community Resource Management (pp. 125-164). Berlin, New York: Springer International Publishing.
2019 – Article (journal)
Adams, T., Gerber, J.-D., & Amacker, M. (2019). Constraints and opportunities in gender relations: Sugarcane outgrower
schemes in Malawi. World Development, 122, 282-294.
2019 – Article (journal)
Lanz, K. V., Prügl, E., & Gerber, J.-D. (2019). The poverty of neoliberalized feminism: gender equality in a ‘best practice’ large-scale land investment in Ghana. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 47(3), 525-543.
2019 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2019, May). Aktive Bodenpolitik zur sozialen Wohnraumversorgung – Erfahrung aus einigen schweizerischen Städten. Presented at the Boden. Wirtschaft. Gesellschaft. Ressourcen für ein Recht auf Wohnen, Weimar.
2019 – Conference item (speech)
Haller, T., & Gerber, J.-D. (2019, April). The drama of the grabbed commons: CSR as anti-politics machines and local responses. Presented at the 4th Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Programme (GLP), Bern, Switzerland.
2018 – Article (journal)
Adams, T., Gerber, J.-D., Amacker, M., & Haller, T. (2018). Who gains from contract farming? Dependencies, power relations, and institutional change. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 46(7), 1435-1457.
2018 – Article (journal)
Boillat, S.-P., Gerber, J.-D., Oberlack, C., Zähringer, J. G., Ifejika Speranza, C., & Rist, S. (2018). Distant Interactions, Power, and Environmental Justice in Protected Area Governance: A Telecoupling Perspective. Sustainability, 10(11), 3954.
2018 – Article (journal)
Gerber, J.-D., & Bandi, M. (2018). The role of Alpine development regimes in the development of second homes: Preliminary lessons from Switzerland. Land Use Policy, 77, 859-870.
2018 – Conference item (abstract)
Gerber, J.-D., & Debrunner, G. (2018). The Commodification of Interim Housing – The Case of Zurich, Switzerland. Presented at the AESOP Planning Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden.
2018 – Conference item (speech)
Kellner, E., Oberlack, C., Gerber, J.-D., & Weingartner, R. (2018, June). Polycentric governance can compensate an incoherent regime under climate change. The case of multifunctional water use in Oberhasli, Switzerland. Presented at the Multi-use of water and related management implications under a changing climate.
2018 – Conference item (paper)
Haller, T., Gerber, J.-D., Rohr, C., Mann, S., & Nahrath, S. (2018, June 8). „Kollektives Ressourcenmanagement“ oder „Allmend-Regelwerke“? Überlegungen zu einem interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekt. Presented at the „Pâturages et fôrets collectifs – économie, participation, durabilité“ / „Alpi e boschi comuni – economia, partecipazione, sostentibilità“ / „Kollektive Weiden und Wälder – Ökonomie, Partizipation, Nachhaltigkeit“, Altdorf.
2018 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2018, April). Knappheit und die bodenpolitische Wende. Presented at the Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (ARL), “Flächenentwicklung im Widerstreit der Interessen”, München.
2018 – Report
Bandi, M., Herzog, J. L., & Gerber, J.-D. (2018). Das Zweitwohnungsgesetz und sein Einfluss auf lokale Wachstumskoalitionen : Erste Überlegungen am Fallbeispiel Oberengadin. Bern: CRED – Center for Regional Economic Development.
2018 – Book section
Gerber, J.-D., Hengstermann, A. H., & Viallon, F.-X. (2018). Land policy – how to deal with scarcity of land. In J.-D. Gerber, T. Hartmann, & A. Hengstermann (Eds.), Instruments of Land Policy – Dealing with Scarcity of Land (pp. 8-26). Routledge.
2018 – Book section
Gerber, J.-D., Hartmann, T., & Hengstermann, A. H. (2018). Planning with or against property rights. In J.-D. Gerber, T. Hartmann, & A. Hengstermann (Eds.), Instruments of Land Policy – Dealing with Scarcity of Land (pp. 337-349). Routledge.
2018 – Book section
Hartmann, T., & Gerber, J.-D. (2018). Land, scarity, and property rights. In J.-D. Gerber, T. Hartmann, & A. Hengstermann (Eds.), Instruments of Land Policy. Dealing with Scarity of Land (pp. 3-7). Routledge.
2018 – Book
Gerber, J.-D., Hartmann, T., & Hengstermann, A. H. (Eds.). (2018). Instruments of Land Policy. Dealing with Scarcity of Land. London: Routledge.
2018 – Article (journal)
Lanz, K. V., Gerber, J.-D., & Haller, T. (2018). Land Grabbing, the State and Chiefs: The Politics of Extending Commercial Agriculture in Ghana. Development and Change, 49(6), 1526-1552.
2018 – Article (journal)
Oberlack, C., Boillat, S.-P., Brönnimann, S., Gerber, J.-D., Heinimann, A., Ifejika Speranza, C., … Wiesmann, U. M. (2018). Polycentric governance in telecoupled resource systems. Ecology and Society, 23(1).
2018 – Article (journal)
Gerber, J.-D. (2018). Regional Nature Parks in Switzerland: Between top-Down and Bottom-Up Institution Building for Landscape Management. Human Ecology, 46(1), 65-77.
2018 – Book section
Gerber, J.-D. (2018). A Swiss perspective on time-limited property rights: Strategic use for active land policy. In J.-D. Gerber, T. Hartmann, & A. Hengstermann (Eds.), Instruments of Land Policy. Dealing with Scarity of Land (pp. 260-264). Routledge.
2018 – Book section
Kellner, E., Oberlack, C., & Gerber, J.-D. (2018). Evolving polycentric climate governance. The case of multifunctional water use in Oberhasli, Switzerland. In L. Füreder, R. Weingartner, K. Heinrich, V. Braun, G. Köck, K. Lanz, & T. Scheurer (Eds.), Alpine Water – common good or source of conflicts? Proceedings of the Forum Alpinum 2018 (p. 79). Breitenwang (Tyrol): Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.
2017 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2017, October). Die Grundeigentümerin als Monopolistin. Presented at the Center for Urban & Real Estate Management (Curem), “Der mobile Boden”, Zürich.
2017 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2017, March). Die Rolle bodenpolitischer Strategien bei der Realisierung von Entwicklungsschwerpunkten (ESP). Presented at the Schwerpunktthema ‘Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer aktiven Bodenpolitik von Kanton und Gemeinden’, Bern.
2017 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D., & Balmer, I. J. Q. M. (2017, February). Why are housing cooperatives successful? Insights from Swiss affordable housing policy. Presented at the Planning, Law and Property Rights (PLPR) Conference.
2017 – Article (journal)
Gerber, J.-D., Nahrath, S., & Hartmann, T. (2017). The strategic use of time-limited property rights in land-use planning: Evidence from Switzerland. Environment and Planning A, 49(7), 1684-1703.
2017 – Article (journal)
Gerber, J.-D., & Hess, G. (2017). From landscape resources to landscape commons: focussing on the non-utility values of landscape. International Journal of the Commons, 11(2), 708-732.
2017 – Conference item (speech)
Oberlack, C., Boillat, S.-P., Brönnimann, S., Gerber, J.-D., Giger, M., Heinimann, A., … Wiesmann, U. M. (2017). Polycentric governance in telecoupled resource systems: Is the tragedy of the grabbed commons unavoidable?. Presented at the XVI. Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons, Utrecht, Netherlands.
2017 – Article (journal)
Hengstermann, A. H., & Gerber, J.-D. (2017). Die faktische und explizite Bauverpflichtung – eine Rezension des bodenpolitischen Instruments in Recht und Praxis. UPR – Umwelt- Und Planungsrecht, 37(1), 16-24.
2017 – Article (journal)
Balmer, I. J. Q. M., & Gerber, J.-D. (2017). Why are housing cooperatives successful? Insights from Swiss affordable housing policy. Housing Studies, 33(3), 361-385.
2017 – Article (journal)
Gerber, J.-D., & Gerber, J.-F. (2017). Decommodification as a foundation for ecological economics. Ecological Economics, 131, 551-556.
2016 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2016, May). New Commons for Redistributing the Profits of Large-Scale Land Acquisitions. Presented at the European International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) Conference.
2016 – Conference item (speech)
Hengstermann, A. H., & Gerber, J.-D. (2016, February). Scarcity and the shift toward land policy. Presented at the Planning, Law and Property Rights (PLPR) Conference.
2016 – Article (journal)
Kodjovi, M.-J., Bombenger, P.-H., & Gerber, J.-D. (2016). L’objectivation des impacts paysagers des projets éoliens : solution ou source de conflits ?. Géo-Regards: Revue neuchâteloise De géographie, 8, 85-98.
2016 – Article (journal)
Gerber, J.-D. (2016). The managerial turn and municipal land-use planning in Switzerland – evidence from practice. Planning Theory & Practice, 17(2), 192-209.
2015 – Article (journal)
Hengstermann, A. H., & Gerber, J.-D. (2015). Aktive Bodenpolitik – Eine Auseinandersetzung vor dem Hintergrund der Revision des eidgenössischen Raumplanungsgesetzes. Flächenmanagement Und Bodenordnung, 2015(6), 241-250.
2015 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2015, July). The role of Alpine growth coalitions in the development of secondary residences. Preliminary lessons from Switzerland. Presented at the Land Governance for Equitable and Sustainable Development (LANDac) Conference.
2015 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2015, April). Maîtrise foncière en Suisse: dynamiques entre acquisition foncière et aménagement du territoire. Presented at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Dijon, Séminaire “Maitrise de la croissance urbaine: outils, comportement des acteurs, impacts environnementaux”.
2015 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2015, February). Time-limited property rights for flexible spatial development strategies. Presented at the Planning, Law and Property Rights (PLPR) Conference.
2015 – Book section
Larrue, C., Bonnefond, M., Gerber, J.-D., & Knoepfel, P. (2015). Landscape resources and place: Is regulation necessary?. In Y. Luginbühl, P. Howard, & D. Terrasson (Eds.), Landscape and Sustainable Devleopment. The French Perspective (pp. 109-120). London and New York: Routledge.
2014 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2014, November). Empfehlungen zur Gestaltung fortschrittlicher Bodenstrategien. Presented at the Im Interesse der Mehrheit – Veränderung kleinteiliger Grundeigentumsstrukturen, Zürich.
2014 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2014, July). The disruptive impact of large-scale land acquisitions on the governance of the local food system. Presented at the ECPR, University of Glasgow.
2014 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2014, July). Institutionelle Ressourcenregimes (IRR) Framework. Presented at the ARL Planungstheorie-Workshop an der TU Wien.
2014 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2014, March). Les espaces fonctionnels de régulation un nouveau référentiel de gestion intégrée des eaux?. Presented at the Journée d’étude sur la gestion intégrée de l’eau par bassin.
2014 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D., & Hengstermann, A. H. (2014, February). An appraisal of the evolution of Swiss spatial planning regulations. Presented at the Planning, Law and Property Rights (PLPR) Conference.
2014 – Conference item (speech)
Hengstermann, A. H., & Gerber, J.-D. (2014, February). From Spatial Planning towards Land Policy?. Presented at the Planning, Law and Property Rights (PLPR) Conference, Haifa, Israel.
2014 – Article (journal)
Nahrath, S., & Gerber, J.-D. (2014). Pour une approche ressourcielle du développement durable. Developpement Durable Et Territoires, 5(2), 2-19.
2013 – Article (journal)
Varone, F., Nahrath, S., Aubin, D., & Gerber, J.-D. (2013). Functional regulatory spaces. Policy Sciences, 46(4), 311-333.
2013 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2013, July). The land use strategies of local authorities in the aftermath of new public management. Impacts on spatial development and sustainability. Presented at the Joint AESOP/ACSP Congress, University College.
2013 – Working paper
Gerber, J.-D., & Nahrath, S. (2013). Beitrag zur Entwicklung eines Ressourcenansatzes der Nachhaltigkeit: eine Diskussion am Beispiel der Regulation der Bodenressource in der Schweiz. Center for Regional Economic Development.
2013 – Book section
Larrue, C., Bonnefond, M., Gerber, J.-D., & Knoepfel, P. (2013). Ressource paysagère et territoire: une nécessaire régulation?. In Y. Luginbühl & D. Terrasson (Eds.), Paysage et développement durable (pp. 129-142). Versailles: éditions QUAE.
2012 – Article (journal)
Ariffin, Y., Arnsperger, C., Augagneur, F., Bolens, G., Bouleau, N., Bourg, D., … Vandelac, L. (2012). Manifeste pour une sortie de crise par l’écologie. VertigO – La Revue électronique En Sciences De l’environnement.
2012 – Article (journal)
Knoepfel, P., Csikos, P., Gerber, J.-D., & Nahrath, S. (2012). Transformation der Rolle des Staates und der Grundeigentümer in städtischen Raumentwicklungsprozessen im Lichte der nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, (3), 414-443.
2012 – Article (journal)
Nahrath, S., Gerber, J.-D., Knoepfel, P., & Bréthaut, C. (2012). Gestion des ressources communes en Suisse: le rôle des institutions de gestion communautaire dans les politiques environnementales et d’aménagement du territoire. Natures Sciences Sociétés, 20(1), 39-51.
2012 – Article (journal)
Gerber, J.-D. (2012). The difficulty of integrating land trusts in land use planning. Landscape and Urban Planning, 104(2), 289-298.
2012 – Article (journal)
Gerber, J.-D., & Rissman, A. R. (2012). Land-conservation strategies: the dynamic relationship between acquisition and land-use planning. Environment and Planning A, 44(8), 1836-1855.
2011 – Conference item (speech)
Gerber, J.-D. (2011, September). Regional development strategies: the dynamic relationship between acquisition and land use planning. Presented at the Global Initiative for Restructuring Environment and Management (GIREM) Leadership Summit.
2011 – Article (magazine)
Gerber, J.-D. (2011, April 20). Exproprier pour bâtir des logements? Ouvrons le débat. Le Temps, 14.
2011 – Article (journal)
Gerber, J.-D., Nahrath, S., Csikos, P., & Knoepfel, P. (2011). The role of Swiss civic corporations in land use planning. Environment and Planning A, 43(1), 185-204.
2010 – Book section
Nahrath, S., Varone, F., & Gerber, J.-D. (2010). Les espaces fonctionnels de la durabilité. Vers une reconfiguration des politiques sectorielles, des territoires institutionnels et des droits de propriété?. In M. Maillefert, O. Petit, & S. Rousseau (Eds.), Ressources, territoires, patrimoines et développement durable (pp. 219-237). Bern: Peter Lang.
2009 – Book
Nahrath, S., Knoepfel, P., Csikos, P., & Gerber, J.-D. (2009). Les stratégies politiques et foncières des grands propriétaires fonciers suisses – Étude comparée au niveau national. IDHEAP.
2009 – Working paper
Gerber, J.-D. (2009). Le régime du paysage d’Aletsch-Riederalp-Bettmeralp. BORIS Portal.
2009 – Book
Knoepfel, P., Nahrath, S., Csikos, P., & Gerber, J.-D. (2009). Les stratégies politiques et foncières des grands propriétaires fonciers en action – Études de cas. Chavannes-Lausanne: IDHEAP.
2009 – Working paper
Gerber, J.-D. (2009). Le régime du paysage du parc naturel régional de Chasseral. BORIS Portal.
2009 – Article (journal)
Nahrath, S., Varone, F., & Gerber, J.-D. (2009). Les espaces fonctionnels: nouveau référentiel de la gestion durable des ressources?. VertigO – La Revue électronique En Sciences De l’environnement, 9(1).
2009 – Book section
Gerber, J.-D., & Savary, J. (2009). Les ressources d’action des acteurs des politiques publiques sont-elles appropriables?. In P. Knoepfel (Ed.), Réformes des politiques institutionnelles de gestion des ressources de l’action publique (pp. 117-136). Lausanne: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes (PPUR).
2009 – Book section
Gerber, J.-D., Nicol, L. A., Oligiati, M., & Savary, J. (2009). Analysing artificial resources: the added value and challenges of a resource-based approach. The case of housing stocks, landscape, public roads and information. In S. Nahrath & F. Varone (Eds.), Rediscovering Public Law and Public Administration in Comparative Policy Analysis: Tribute to Peter Knoepfel (pp. 255-278). Bern: Haupt.
2009 – Article (journal)
Gerber, J.-D., Knoepfel, P., Nahrath, S., & Varone, F. (2009). Institutional Resource Regimes: Toward Sustainability through combining Property Rights Theory and Policy Analysis. Ecological Economics, 68(3), 798-809.
2009 – Book section
Csikos, P., & Gerber, J.-D. (2009). L’impact de la nouvelle gestion publique sur la politique de gestion du patrimoine foncier et immobilier de la Confédération. In P. Knoepfel (Ed.), Réformes des politiques institutionnelles de gestion des ressources de l’action publique (pp. 231-254). Lausanne: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes (PPUR).
2008 – Working paper
Gerber, J.-D. (2008). Les stratégies foncières des grands propriétaires fonciers collectifs: la propriété foncière du Département fédéral de la défense, de la protection de la population et des sports (DDPS). IDHEAP Institut de hautes études en administration publique.
2008 – Working paper
Gerber, J.-D. (2008). Les stratégies foncières des grands propriétaires fonciers collectifs: le cas des cantons et des communes de Bienne, la Chaux-de-Fonds et Zürich. IDHEAP Institut de hautes études en administration publique.
2008 – Working paper
Gerber, J.-D. (2008). Les stratégies foncières des grands propriétaires fonciers collectifs: le cas des chemins de fer fédéraux (CFF). IDHEAP Institut de hautes études en administration publique.
2008 – Working paper
Gerber, J.-D. (2008). Les stratégies foncières des grands propriétaires fonciers collectifs: le cas des bourgeoisies de Berne, Soleure et Coire. IDHEAP Institut de hautes études en administration publique.
2008 – Article (journal)
Gerber, J.-D., & Knoepfel, P. (2008). The Swiss Model of Regional Nature Parks. Toward a better coordination of landscape regulations. Mountain Research and Development, 28(2), 110-115.
2008 – Working paper
Gerber, J.-D. (2008). Les stratégies foncières des grands propriétaires fonciers collectifs: le cas de Pro Natura. IDHEAP Institut de hautes études en administration publique.
2008 – Working paper
Gerber, J.-D. (2008). Les stratégies foncières des grands propriétaires fonciers: étude de cas de la place d’armes de Thoune. IDHEAP Institut de hautes études en administration publique.
2008 – Article (journal)
Varone, F., Nahrath, S., & Gerber, J.-D. (2008). Régimes institutionnels de ressources et théorie de la régulation. Revue De La Régulation. Capitalisme, Institutions, Pouvoirs, 2.
2008 – Working paper
Gerber, J.-D. (2008). Les stratégies foncières des grands propriétaires fonciers: étude de cas du pôle de développement économique du Wankdorf. IDHEAP Institut de hautes études en administration publique.
2008 – Article (journal)
Nahrath, S., Csikos, P., Gerber, J.-D., & Knoepfel, P. (2008). Transformation des rapports à la propriété des grands propriétaires fonciers collectifs et urbanisme durable. Urbia. Les Cahiers Du développement Urbain Durable, 6, 87-106.
2008 – Book section
Nahrath, S., Fauconnet, M., Gerber, J.-D., & Knoepfel, P. (2008). Le rôle des grands propriétaires fonciers collectifs dans les processus d’aménagement du territoire en Suisse. In L. Monteventi Weber, C. Deschenaux, & M. Tranda-Pittion (Eds.), Campagne-ville: le pas de deux (pp. 185-197). Lausanne: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes (PPUR).
2008 – Article (journal)
Gerber, J.-D., Nahrath, S., Thomi, L., & Reynard, E. (2008). The role of CPR institutions in the implementation of Swiss natural resources management policies. International Journal of the Commons, 2(2), 222-247.
2007 – Article (magazine)
Gerber, J.-D., & Sprunger, S. (2007). Die Wiedereinführung des Frauenschuhs. UNI NOVA Wissenschaftsmagazin, (107), 26-27.
2007 – Article (journal)
Gerber, J.-D., Rodewald, R., & Knoepfel, P. (2007). The sustainable management of the landscape: the lessons the new regional nature parks must draw from the experience of the old corporations. Revue De géographie Alpine Journal of Alpine Research, 95(3), 64-74.
2007 – Article (journal)
Gerber, J.-D., Rodewald, R., & Knoepfel, P. (2007). Gestion durable du paysage. Revue De géographie Alpine Journal of Alpine Research, (95-3), 53-62.
2006 – Book
Knoepfel, P., & Gerber, J.-D. (2006). Institutionelle Landschaftsregime – Lösungsansatz für Landschaftskonflikte. Zürich: Vdf Hochschulverlag.
2006 – Book
Gerber, J.-D. (2006). Structures de gestion des rivalités d’usage du paysage: une analyse comparée de trois cas alpins. Zürich: Rüegger.
2005 – Book section
Gerber, J.-D. (2005). Le régime institutionnel du paysage en action – les études de cas. Étude de cas – Baltschiedertal VS. In R. Rodewald & P. Knoepfel (Eds.), Institutionelle Regime für nachhaltige Landschaftsentwicklung (pp. 117-150). Zürich: Rüegger.
2005 – Book section
Gerber, J.-D. (2005). Le régime institutionnel du paysage en action – les études de cas. Étude de cas – région d’Aletsch VS. In R. Rodewald & P. Knoepfel (Eds.), Institutionelle Regime für Nachhaltige Landschaftsentwicklung (pp. 79-116). Zürich: Rüegger.
2004 – Working paper
Gerber, J.-D. (2004). Changement du régime insitutionnel du paysage. Le cas du Baltschiedertal. IDHEAP Institut de hautes études en administration publique.
2004 – Article (journal)
Rodewald, R., Knoepfel, P., Gerber, J.-D., Kummli Gonzalez, I., & Mauch, C. (2004). Anwendung des Prinzips der nachhaltigen Entwicklung für die Ressource Landschaft. Naturschutz Und Landschaftsplanung, 35(4), 107-114.
2004 – Article (journal)
Gerber, J.-D., Baltisberger, M., & Leuchtmann, A. (2004). Effects of a snowmelt gradient on the population structure of Ranunculus alpestris (Ranunculaceae). Botanica Helvetica, 114(1), 67-78.
2004 – Working paper
Gerber, J.-D. (2004). Changement du régime institutionnel du paysage. Le cas Aletsch-Riederalp-Bettmeralp. IDHEAP Institut de hautes études en administration publique.
2004 – Book
Gerber, J.-D. (2004). La nouvelle gouvernance comme moyen d’arbitrage entre les intérêts de développement et de protection du paysage. IDHEAP.